Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Chapter Five- Part Two

Acornpaw’s stomach twisted, and he felt sick. Was there something special going on between Dovecry and Hazelstar?

That night, Acornpaw found it difficult to not enter the nursery. His mother stood beside him, sighing sadly. “Well, my acorn, tonight is a strange night for both of us. But now, we must go our separate ways.” With that, Dovecry trudged off to the warriors’ den.
Acornpaw tried to imagine Moorfur meeting her there, but his image of the brown tom faded and in his place was Hazelstar. Oh, StarClan!
“Hey, come on!” a voice startled Acornpaw from his thoughts. The new apprentice’s gaze rose and met with Gorsepaw’s. His sister, Cloverpaw, was right beside him, the white flash on her pink nose shining freshly groomed in the moonlight.
Reluctantly Acornpaw followed them toward the apprentices’ den. One last time that evening he turned and glanced back at the nursery. Fastkit and his siblings-now five moons old- were screwing around just outside. Inside the gorse bush Acornpaw glimpsed Morningkit being washed by her former ShadowClan mother, Oakleaf.
Thornpad was trotting into his den but then saw Acornpaw. With a swift wave of his tail, the tabby disappeared inside the shabby-roofed den.
“Acornpaw!” Cloverpaw called. Suddenly, a burst of energy and happiness flooded Acornpaw, and he raced after the pair into his new den.
He wasn’t a kit anymore. Now he was older. Now was the time for changes to happen.

“... and here is where your nest will be,” Gorsepaw finished the tour of the small apprentices’ bush.
Cloverpaw bounced forward, dragging moss along with her. “Our mentors told us to fetch you some moss so you’d be ready to sleep as soon as possible.” The she-cat then added, “Beesting made me look in each piece to ensure there weren’t any prickles or burrs in it.”
Gorsepaw started to snicker. “She actually did that to him once- left a few thorns in his nest!”
Acornpaw smiled. He had nice denmates, and lots of space since there were only three apprentices, including him.
“Thanks a ton,” Acornpaw said. He watched as Gorsepaw and Cloverpaw prepared his nest. Once it was finished, an even wider grin crept onto Acornpaw’s face.
His completed nest looked soft and fluffy, with smooth stones from the stream decorating the perimeter of the area. Better yet, this nest was just Acornpaw’s, and not Dovecry’s. Just mine, thought Acornpaw joyfully.
Gorsepaw nodded to him and Cloverpaw dipped her head. The two curled up on the opposite end of the den and soon were fast asleep.
Acornpaw lay in his nest awhile before sleep came to him. He just pondered over what a difference this was compared to resting in the nursery. More space, that was for sure... just him, and two other cats closer to his age.
No annoying little kits or snoring queens around. Just him, Gorsepaw, and Cloverpaw.

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