Friday, May 4, 2012

Chapter Four- Part Two

And he didn’t look back. Acornkit couldn’t bear to see Moorfur. It would be the last time he ever laid his eyes on his pale brown fur, and those.... those glazed amber eyes.

“It’s time. Acornkit, please wake up. It’s time!” Dovecry whispered in Acornkit’s ear.
Acornkit yawned and glared at his mother. Ever since Moorfur’s death a half-moon ago, he was grumpy and disappointed.
“Time for what?” he mumbled. As if I don’t already know, Acornkit thought to himself.
Dovecry sighed. “I know you’re disappointed, little acorn, but you know that family is the key thing in a vigil. Especially your father’s.”
Acornkit glowered at his paws and followed his mother outside. He didn’t even bother to return the tail wave from Thornpad or the sympathetic glance from Fastkit.
Not even the slight smirk from Morningkit. Now he was just a weakling. A stupid, embarrassed, fatherless WindClan weakling. He’d be no leader now.
Dovecry and Acornkit approached Moorfur’s still form with ease.
Moorfur had no siblings, littermates, older, or younger. His parents were long dead, so Acornkit and his mother were the only family.
Nonetheless, Acornkit was Moorfur’s only true kin. He felt proud to have this position, but pain pierced his heart when he remembered why he was thinking of that- he never realized before of this.
Acornkit watched as Dovecry locked gazes with Hazelstar and flicked her tail to show her respect for Twigfall.
Feathertickle sat just behind her leader, sympathy dotting her gaze.
Before Acornkit could mew a simple “hi”, the whole rest of the Clan was gathered around Moorfur.
Acornkit felt his mother’s breath on his ear fur. “Whisper your thanks to your father,” Dovecry ordered gently to him.
Acornkit’s stomach twisted, feeling sick that he hardly knew Moorfur. The pale brown tom had always been like just another warrior to him. But Thornpad, on the other paw...
Unhurriedly the brown kit bent his head and pressed his nose to his father’s cold flank. As Moorfur’s limp fur blew around in the breeze passing through, it practically made Acornkit sneeze. On his way down, Acornkit had thought up of some things he could say in remembrance of his father.  
“I am sad to find us here, you dead and me... me still alive,” Acornkit’s voice cracked, and he quickly closed his eyes to prevent them watering. “I- I wish I knew you more. You will always be in my heart, my father. Moorfur.”
Acornkit rose up and was warmed as Dovecry’s fluffy tail rested on his shoulders for a mere heartbeat. “You did well, my son,” she murmured. “You did well.”
Really? I thought it was kind of weak, Acornkit thought, holding back a clueless shrug.
His mind quieted when his mother began her wishes that were to go to StarClan with Moorfur. “Moorfur- mate, father, son, uncle, lover- I will miss him.” Dovecry stepped back. “That’s.... that’s all I have to say,” she muttered, blue eyes glistening.
Acornkit was surprised. He had suspected the gray-and-white she-cat to say much more.

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