Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Chapter Three- Part Two

Quailflight returned his scowl. “Fine, but I’ll make sure some wet fur gets rubbed on you!” she hissed.
Acornkit giggled quietly as Twigfall wrapped cobwebs on Thornpad’s bleeding shoulder.
The young tabby looked down at him and grinned slightly despite the pain from the stinging poultice Twigfall put on him. “What happened to you, lad?” Thornpad asked.
“I tried to defend my mother and Weedstep from a big ThunderClan warrior that was almost six times my size!” Acornkit exclaimed, happy to talk to someone.
Thornpad smiled down at him. “So you dislocated your shoulder or something like that?” he returned.
Acornkit nodded. “Yep!” he chirped.
Just then Twigfall cut in. “You’re good to go, Thorn,” he rumbled. “Rest a lot though, and it’ll heal quicker. You’ll be back to warrior duties before you know it.”
Thornpad’s head bobbed up and down enthusiastically. He winked at Acornkit before sprinting out of the medicine den with pure WindClan swiftness.
Acornkit started to feel tired. He slowly lay back down in his moss. His eyelids dropped down over his eyes like heavy stones, and the dark brown-tailed kit was asleep.

* * *
A paw was shoved deep into Acornkit’s cheek. He winced and opened his eyes.
Now five moons old and with a fully-healed shoulder, Acornkit was back to sleeping in the nursery with his mother, the queens, and the other kits.
Acornkit was always excited and happy as just one more moon of this nursery stuff- then he’d be an apprentice! With a real warrior as his mentor!
Acornkit couldn’t wait.
The brown kit rolled onto his side and examined the owner of the paw. Dovecry’s large gray paw was kneading his cheek gently.
“Are you up, my little acorn?”
Acornkit winced again and gazed up at his mom. “Yes, I am, Dovecry. Why do you do that every morning now?”
Innocence shone in Dovecry’s eyes. “Do what?” she purred as she licked his cheek.
Acornkit shivered as her slimy tongue left saliva remains on his face. “Push your paw into my cheek.” he frowned, then continued, “Come to think of it, you’re obsessed with my cheek.”
Before his mother could answer, another voice interrupted, “How’s my friend doing?”
A new cat had entered the nursery, and Acornkit glanced up. Thornpad! Ever since their encounter in the medicine den a moon earlier, the two toms were attached to each other.
Embarrassed to be seen cuddled next to his mother, Acornkit shuffled backwards then quickly stood up. “I’m ready for some fun, that’s how I’m doing!” Acornkit cried, then bounced over to the full-grown tabby. At times, although Thornpad was still young and Moorfur was his true father, Thornpad felt like his dad. Or an older brother or something.
“The hurt-shoulder brothers have returned to the WindClan clearing!” Thornpad announced as he stomped out to the main camp area, Acornkit gleefully riding on his back.
Playfully Acornkit bit into the tabby’s spine with thorn-sharp kit teeth. Thornpad flinched. “You’re getting stronger, youngster,” he croaked.

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